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Current Projects!
Project: Ragnarok
Here is the latest art time-lapse from Elysian Evrimata for project Ragnarok!
We're almost ready to announce the project's official title! The graphic design and typography are done, we're just working on a few more details before we let it out.
In the meantime, click (or tap) on the images below to see our Art Time-Lapses on YouTube! Or, Click here to see the Project: Ragnarok Playlist.
Shots Fired: Here's a look at one the super heroes of the project, Cyber Wolf. The Protector of Titanic Ark.
Character Concept: We're playing around with the idea of having one of our character's eyes change color with the time of day. Horizon Iris is an art time-lapse that shows the intial idea for version 1 of the concept.
Remembrance: An official artwork version of board 11, from the Project: Ragnraok | Lou and Lei (Concept) video.
Lou was cloned many times in her time at Ragnarok. So, though this person looks like Lei (or 25-C) it's actually clone 02-J.

Character Concept: An endles horizon of tears formed by an ancient princess from a time long ago. This place is either an after life or a prison to those who died during The Great Asteri War.
To the Asteri who created this elysium, it's a place of endless torment for her to relive her mistakes in her mind, time, and time again. A place where no one can hear her Calling From the Bottom.